Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sisterly Love

The fun these two have together makes me wish I had a sister. Having girls makes me realize how the bonds of sisterhood really work. They fight over things, they play, they scream, and then they're best friends again all in the space of about 5 minutes and that is repeated frequently throughout the day.

The latest fun thing they've come up with is to dig through my closet for the crazy heels and parade around up and down the hallway like it's a runway showing off their shoes and cute clothes. They picked out their own heels and they patch their little outfits perfectly! The necklaces were added, "because I want to."

That's Brooke's new answer to everything, "because I want to." We're not sure where she's getting that from. After answering the, "Why?" question a million times in a row, I'll give up and respond with, "because I said so." Never, "because I want to," though.


Melissa said...

This sounds very much like the relationship Christina and I had as kids. Though the difference was we were SUCH tomboys, it's not even funny. We hated to dress up in girly stuff. We would dress up like ninjas and things like that, though...

valmike said...

I can totally see the ninja stuff with you two! Ha ha.