Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vacation Officially Begins!

Eryn has her arsenal of stuffed animals and is ready for a long day!

Reno, NV Temple

Valerie and Eryn at the Reno Temple

Reno from the temple grounds

Capitol Building in Carson City, NV

Mike and Eryn at Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe


chelsea mckell said...

brian wants Mike to go back to work NOW, so he can help their office do AWESOME, so Spencer will get promoted out and brian can slide in. He wants that EB office bad! And he wants to work with Mike! So... sorry - vacation must end now! Too bad though, cuz those pics look way fun :) is that Kung Fu Panda? ha!

Funky Zach said...

Beautiful pictures. You didn't have any run-ins with the Reno Sheriff's Department, did you?