I was bored and found this on Sarah's Blog. I hope you are all ready to know us more than you wanted too!
1. What are your middle names? "Danger" and "Open Mouth Insert Foot" I am sure that you can figure out which one is me! :)
2. How long have you been together? Nearly 6 years.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? About 7 months or so...
4. Who asked who out? Mike just asked me to "hang out" with him and some of his friends one night. I just assumed it was a date and never let him go!
5. How old are each of you? Older than we are both willing to publicly admit.
6. Whose siblings do you see the most? Mike's family lives in the same state (well, most of them) and my 2 brother both live in different states 2 time zones away.
7. Do you have any children together? 1.525 children. A nearly 2 year old daughter and a daughter in the womb!
8. What about pets? The neighbor's cat thinks that he's ours.
9. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? What to do with a day off. I just want to stay at home (like always) and hang out with Mike. He always wants to go somewhere!
10. Did you go to the same school? For about 2 semesters. I dropped out and he graduated.
11. Are you from the same town? Not even from the same region! I grew up surrounded by Great Lakes and gangster thugs and Mike grew up surrounded by potatoes.
12. Who is the smartest? Mike can do Calc! He took it twice he was so good at it! I barely passed College Algebra. Not that all intelligence is based on math skills, but... I think he's got an edge on me there.
13. Who is the most sensitive? I am, but for a woman I am pretty numb to a lot of things.
14. Where do you eat out most as a couple? The high class restaurant of Wendy's. It's cheap, close, and cheap.
15. Where is the farthest you have travelled as a couple? Probably Berlin, Germany. We went all over in Europe, but I think that is the farthest east we've been.
16. Who has the craziest exes? ME! I dated some strange guys, some crazy fun guys, and some out right psychos. I still don't know how in dating such an odd assortment of guys I found Mike!
17. Who has the worst temper? I win again! I get fired up easy. I have bit me tongue to the point of bloody on a number of occasions.
18. Who does the cooking? We both can, but I do more because Mike goes to work all day and I don't.
19. Who is more social? Neither of us really stand out as a winner in this category. We like to hang out every now and then, but really just like to be with each other and Eryn most of the time.
20. Who is the neat freak? No neat freaks here. Clean freaks, yes but not neat. Yes, there is a difference. You can have a very clean and disorganized house at the same time. I have mastered that.
21. Who is more stubborn? We both can be reasoned with when given both sides to something.
22. Who hogs the bed? The bed, the blankets, and most of the pillows become mine over the course of the night. He says I take them and I say he gives them to me. We're both asleep so neither of us can be trusted! Muahahaha...
23. Who wakes up earlier? I wake up to wake him up, but then I usually get to go back to sleep for awhile.
24. Where was your first date? His friend Jeff's parent's house in Provo.
25. who has the bigger family? Mike's the oldest of 9. I'm the oldest of 3. He wins.
26. Do you get flowers often? Nope. I like to take pictures of them while they are still growing in the ground. They last longer that way, never wilt, and they don't make me sneeze that way!
27. How do you spend the holidays? Praying that they will be over soon.
28. Who is more jealous? Again, no clear stand out. I don't think that either of us are the jealous type.
29. How long did it take to get serious? A few months of constantly hanging out. That was easy since we worked together and I didn't have a car. Mike gave me a ride home each night and it was nice to have that time together to end the day.
30. Who eats more? Mike. I eat more often, but he eats more at a time.
31. Who does the laundry? I do.
32. Who is better with the computer? Mike was a computer science major for awhile.
33. Who drives when you are together? Mike. He's better with directions. I get distracted and lost easily. I have little to no since of direction and I prefer him driving so I can just look out the window and freak out every time the car in front of us breaks and he doesn't.
DIY: Snow Paint Made From Old Markers
3 weeks ago
My suspicion is confirmed!! The Big Mak family is a very interesting/unique group of people!!
too funny. loved reading this. we actually have quite a lot in common: # 6,9,11,16,17,20,21,28,30,31
(since I'm sure you were dying to know :)
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