Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Teething, Sumo Wrestling, and Tickling

Today started out sort of rough, but got a lot better by the end! Eryn has been teething. You can see some of the molars in the pictures of her. The ones on the tops are matched by the same teeth on the bottom. They are coming in really fast and are very painful for her. She cried a lot today.

I felt so bad that we played Sumo Wrestling Kung Fu Panda for about an hour! It was pretty fun. Eryn would throw the panda up in the air and then look for it after it all ready hit the ground.

Mike came home and played with her too. She likes it when her Daddy chases her and then tickles her!


chelsea mckell said...

Yep - thats what these ERAC guys like to do.... come home after their 10 (or 12, 13...) hours of work, and play with their little girl! Brian looks forward to it all day. Cross your fingers for him - he is applying for the manager position in N Orem... its not his dream office, but it would bring us out of Vernal! Then some other poor ERACer can take the reins out here. Its been almost 7 months. Sheesh, the sacrifices we make for this company...
BTW - Im just crazy about your daughters hair... SOSOSO cute!

Anonymous said...

She is so freakin cute.

McCorristin Family said...

Val, that is adorable! She is growing up way too fast! -Tammy