Saturday, February 7, 2009

Double Good News Day

With the XBox 360 out of commission Guitar Hero hasn't gone to waste! Eryn sure enjoys playing with the guitar and singing to her puppy.

I have other good news that might even beat that! Well, maybe just for me and my craziness... I found Vernors at Macey's yesterday! It was in the juice isle by bottled water and no where near the soda where it should have been.

Vernors is a very strong and bubbly ginger ale that is made in Michigan. I've had my Mom mail it to me in the past I like it so much! All growing up it was the cure all for sick tummys. It relieves nausea and upset stomachs like no medicine can. (A must have for any pregnant woman!) Not only that, but if you throw it in a cup and plop some vanilla ice cream in there you get this magical creation called a "Boston Cooler." (Yes, it's a Vernors float with a special name.)


Anonymous said...

you better save me some of that! lol

The McKays said...

Awh, Eryn is adorable! Soon she'll be singing to the little baby! She is gonna be your rock star/cheerleader! watch out:)