Sunday, September 26, 2010

Drum Roll Please...

Chelsie took a few family pictures for us this weekend. I had all ready picked out places and we had a very short window before the girls were done. The official family picture will stay hidden until Christmas cards!!!!!!!! I couldn't resist putting up a few though.

I photo shopped together this picture to get one with both of the girls looking towards the camera!
Over all we were doing pretty well with picture taking. Eryn was even smiling and being pretty good. Then, while we were trying to go to our second location Brooke fell on the ground while trying to step up a curb and the tears were Oscar worthy! Needless to say, we didn't get as many pictures as I wanted, but all you really need is 1 for the Christmas card, right?


Justin & Heather said...

adorable! LOVE the door. currently coveting the door. and I saw your photo blog and your tender are so welcome and it is a pleasure to have you as a friend as well! and considering I reap the benefits of your talent I would say it's the LEAST I could do!

The McKays said...

Cute pics Val!

The McKays said...

I love Eryn's posing too:)