Thursday, January 13, 2011

All Looked After

The birds flock to my parents' backyard and I'm almost certain make sure that while migrating they make sure to tell their friends to check out their house. My parents enjoy sitting at the kitchen table together and watching the various birds come and go around their windows and the feeders that hang under the awnings.
Playing "identify the bird" was always fun with my Dad. He not only knows what almost every bird looks like, but what they sound like too. If he didn't know, he'd pull out his handy book, Guide to the Birds of North America (or something like that) and look it up.
In the Bible there are scriptures that say something about how "no sparrow shall fall to the Earth unnoticed" by our Heavenly Father. In a way, that has always reminded me of my parents' love for feeding the birds. It is the idea that my parents know the birds. Just like our Father in Heaven knows us individually, my parents recognize their little birds and care for them because they bring joy to their lives each time they fly in for a visit.

1 comment:

chelsea mckell said...

If I was a bird, I'd totally hang out at your parent's house.
And if I was a cat I'd hang out there too. :)