Friday, April 23, 2010

Eryn's Influence

I guess that Eryn was feeling a little creative yesterday because she dressed up and then dressed up her baby sister too. I found Brooke in a tutu with Eryn spraying her with hair spray in the bathroom. (For the record, I was just in the next room putting laundry in the washer while all of this occurred!)

Attitude? Check.

Mommy, HELP?

Eryn loves her puppy and Brooke is becoming more and more attached to this Dalmatian. Yes, another WHITE toy! What was I thinking letting her play with that in the first place?

Eryn was spinning and dancing with her pretty skirt on.

Then, Eryn got mad at Brooke because she wouldn't spin. The camera went away quickly as Eryn grabbed her by the tiny arms and started spinning her around! I almost had a heart attack! Brooke just laughed and seemed to like it. She is such a good natured little baby.

1 comment:

McCorristin Family said...

Brooke has to be good natured with Eryn as her bigger sister. Cute pictures. Brooke looks like a willing participant I think.

Grandpa Mac