Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Eryn's Randomness

While roaming through a couple of stores yesterday trying to waste some time Eryn started mumbling. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but it was so funny that she kept laughing to herself. I finally got her to say it louder and clearer so I could understand it. This is what she said:

"My knee hurts... My elbow hurts... And I have to go to the bathroom..."

"Good afternoon. My name is Russel and I am a wilderness explorer."

"Are you in need of any assistance?"

I think that we might have seen UP one too many times. While Mike's brother Andrew is away on his mission he loaned us his DVD, Eryn wants to watch it all of the time!

1 comment:

The McKays said...

hahahaha! This made me laugh so hard. She is such a crack up!