Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Zoo Trip

(This is the 3rd and final installment of my posts today that cover this weekend's events!)

We made our annual trip to the zoo yesterday with my Brother-In-Law's family. Mike had to work, so just Eryn and I went. She was much better behaved (for the most part) than I thought she would be. The weather was nice and cool which made the walking much easier on me. We had a good time and I was able to get some interesting pictures.

We packed lunches and ate at the zoo.

The penguins had an evil plan. While 2 or 3 of them posed for pictures and were really cute the others were busy. The had 1 digging a hole while there were 3 standing around that one trying to hide him. It was seriously funny and made me think that in the movie "Madagascar" they really did have a special insight into the penguin world!

Eryn was really looking forward to seeing these guys!

Pushing her own stroller is still more fun than riding in it.

The meerkats put on a show for Eryn and her cousin.

They danced and ran along the windows to really get the kids excited about seeing them. What hams!

It worked! They were glued to them for a few minutes and Eryn's still talking about them being funny. (She does like Meerkat Manor also so she's seen them more, but it was so exciting to see them in real life!)

When she thinks no one is watching...

Uncle Sam bought a ticket for Eryn to ride on the animal carousel that they have there at the zoo. (He bought one for him to ride with Allie and then realized that if your child is so little that you get to ride for free as a parent.) It worked out though. Eryn and I both got to ride on it thanks to Uncle Sam! Well, she rode on a big bear and Mommy held onto the side of it and her while she squealed and laughed the whole time. Getting off of it ensued yet another one of those massive tantrums that makes me want to step aside and point at her and say, "Who's kid is that?"

1 comment:

momtherunner said...

Gotta love the public tantrums! Nothing like a screaming child and lots of stanger's glances to keep one sufficiently humbled.