Monday, March 15, 2010


My little brother Sam meeting his nieces for the first time! (Well, technically they met at the airport in the curb side pick up but that wasn't a very convenient time for pictures!)

Sam and Brooke got along really well. She's way easier to handle than a high strung overly hyper almost 3 yr old!

Because even tough ARMY guys have a soft side...

They just have to embrace it!
Even though this was the beginning of our trip this will probably be the last post that most of you scroll down to read.
With that in mind, I figured that this is the best place to take just a moment to thank my brother Sam for the strong desire that he has always had to serve in the military and to thank my parents for supporting him in his quest. I love my family all so much! Although we will be far away from each other for quite sometime, we will be together forever.

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