Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sams Moving

Sams Moving! That's no type-o. This was in fact more than one Sam moving. My Brother-In-Law Sam sold his house and since they were moving while my brother Sam was out here, we figured that we'd help them move.

Anything to get free pizza and a few hours of free activities, right? Ha ha. We had a lot of fun helping them move out of their house and into their new place.

Here's a picture of the Sams playing with a dolly!

Eryn had more fun riding this little bike and wearing a helmet she found in a box.

Brooke and Shayllie had fun wrestling around and trying to escape supervision.

She really had fun going through boxes trying to find things to take out and play with!

The upside is that they are going to live a little closer to us, but the downside is that this adorable little house won't be theirs anymore.

Allie and Eryn were busy playing doctor.

Sam had fun playing with Brooke and was a big help in moving a bunch of the big stuff around.
We had fun dragging Sam around the entire state of Utah! He's been from Logan to the Four Corners with a little Park City trip thrown in there. Poor guy probably got sick of riding in the car, but in 1 week he saw more of Utah than most people do in a few different visits.

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